
SH038 - British and European Silver, Furniture and Decorative Arts


Shapiro Gallery, 162 Queen St, Woollahra, Sydney

Victorian Bristol Blue Double Ended Scent Bottle

together with a smaller sterling silver capped Bristol Blue Bottle

  • EStimate $250 - $350
Lot Details

Pair of Victorian Minton’s Porcelain Perfume Flasks, c.1880

each in the form of a pilgrim’s flask with sterling silver mounts (one AF) (2)

  • EStimate $200 - $300
Lot Details

Late Green Glass Overlay Scent Bottle

together with a Art Nouveau Style Ceramic Bottle (2)

  • EStimate $80 - $120
Lot Details

Pair of 19th Century Stained Horn Silver Inlaid Cased Scent Bottles

each of square form (2)

  • EStimate $300 - $500
Lot Details

Continental Double Ended Scent Bottle

together with two smaller silver capped scent bottles

  • EStimate $300 - $400
Lot Details

19th Century Double Ended Scent Bottle

(replaced or re-silvered mounts)

  • EStimate $100 - $200
Lot Details
LOT 10

Victorian Chased Sterling Silver Scent Flask

together with two 19th Century French Gilt Capped Scent Flasks (3)

  • EStimate $300 - $400
Lot Details
LOT 11

Late Victorian Silver Chased Scent Bottle, London c. 1890

in the form of a cornucopia in its original velvet lined box (lacking stopper)

  • EStimate $400 - $600
Lot Details
LOT 13

Morgan & Co

Unusual Late Victorian Hobnail Cut Silver Gilt Mounted Combination Scent Bottle/Vinaigrette, London 1893 (2)

together with a Victorian Sterling Silver Mounted Flask

  • EStimate $500 - $700
Lot Details
LOT 14

Edwardian Sterling Silver Capped Earthenware Scent Flask (3)

together with two similar scent bottles

  • EStimate $100 - $200
Lot Details
LOT 15

Pair of Brass Mounted Victorian Octagonal Glass Scent Bottles, c.1900 (2)

each in facetted clear glass

  • EStimate $100 - $200
Lot Details
LOT 16

Edwardian Chased Sterling Silver Scent Bottle, Birmingham 1902

with two minor bottles

  • EStimate $100 - $200
Lot Details
LOT 17

Late Victorian Earthenware Brass Capped Scent Bottle

in the ironstone palette; together with a cobalt blue brass capped bottle

  • EStimate $150 - $250
Lot Details
LOT 18

Late 19th Century Figural Brass Capped Scent Bottle

modelled in the form of a strawberry (lacking stopper)

  • EStimate $150 - $200
Lot Details
LOT 19

Late Victorian Sterling Silver Capped Crystal Scent Bottle, Birmingham 1899

having an initialled screw top, facetted glass bottle, resting in its basket type mount

  • EStimate $400 - $600
Lot Details
LOT 21

Regency Drinking Glass, c.1810

the facetted deep tapered bowl, resting on a bulbous hexagonal stem and a lobed foot, height 15cm

  • EStimate $300 - $400
Lot Details
LOT 22

Unusual Arts and Crafts Amber Drinking Vessel, c.1910

having a slightly flared lip and metal collar, fitted a single loop handle to one side, height 16cm

  • EStimate $250 - $350
Lot Details
LOT 23

Pair of George III Triple Ring Mallet Shaped Decanters, c.1820

each with later stoppers, hexagonal bodies and linear decoration

  • EStimate $400 - $600
Lot Details
LOT 25


Pair of Globular Facetted Candlesticks, c.1960

bearing the cipher to base

  • EStimate $400 - $600
Lot Details
LOT 26

Mrs Graydon-Stannus

Harlequin Pair of Opalescent Glass Candlesticks, c.1920

each having tubular sconces and facetted drip trays, on waisted stems and circular spreading feet. Having acid etched signature Gray Stan

  • EStimate $400 - $600
Lot Details
LOT 27

Rene Lalique "Davos"

Opalescent art glass vase, 1932

he short neck leading to a cylindrical body having central sprays of bubbles amid further smaller ones. Acid signature to base; R Lalique France,

height 30cm
  • EStimate $5,000 - $7,000
Lot Details
Rene Lalique  "Davos"
LOT 28

Rene Lalique "Davos"

Opalescent Art Glass Plate, c.1930

the circular plate, with moulded roundels emanating from a central core, acid etched signature to base R Lalique France,

diameter 28cm
  • EStimate $600 - $800
Lot Details
Rene Lalique  "Davos"
LOT 29

Rene Lalique "Davos"

Dahlia, model no. 3210

opalescent glass bowl, c1930, the circular dish having raised flower heads and trailing vines,

diameter 24cm
  • EStimate $800 - $1,200
Lot Details
Rene Lalique  "Davos"
LOT 30

Rene Lalique "Davos"

Frosted Leaf Pattern Fruit Bowl, c.1950

modelled in the form of an open leaf, acid etched signature Lalique France

length 44cm
  • EStimate $600 - $800
Lot Details
LOT 31

Suite of Ten Edwardian Champagne Glasses, c.1910

each with thumb mould bowls, one cut down

  • EStimate $100 - $150
Lot Details
LOT 32

Georgian Triple Ring Decanter, c.1810

together with a late Victorian glass decanter

  • EStimate $100 - $150
Lot Details
LOT 33

Daum Nancy

Art Glass Vase, c.1920

modelled with wide shallow bowl; leading to a squat waisted element and resting on a circular spreading foot, and having adventuring highlights. Acid etched signature to foot

height 17cm
  • EStimate $1,500 - $2,000
Lot Details
LOT 34

Victorian Celery Glass Vase, c.1870

having a facetted flared body resting on a circular spreading foot,

height 26cm
  • EStimate $100 - $200
Lot Details
LOT 35


Pappillon Decor Vase, c.1920

modelled as a tapered cylindrical form and decorated in the usual palette,

, height 22cm
  • EStimate $800 - $1,200
Lot Details
LOT 36

Nailsea style Writhen Glass Decanter, c.1900

mallet shaped having a sterling silver collar, Birmingham 1901, fitted with a scrolled arm to one side, the whole decorated with green tonal highlights,

height 36cm
  • EStimate $450 - $650
Lot Details
LOT 37

Selection of European Glass Tableware, ca.1930-1960 (22)

comprising six Bohemian flashed wine glasses, five short wine glasses, eight gilt capped glasses and three whiskey glasses

  • EStimate $300 - $400
Lot Details
LOT 38

Pair of 19th Century Facetted Glass Candlesticks, c.1890 (3)

each modelled with lobed octagonal sconces and feet, united by pillars simulated cascading water; together with a Victorian celery glass vase

  • EStimate $200 - $300
Lot Details
LOT 39

French Apricot Flashed Pressed Stemware, c.1930 (18)

comprising eight wine glasses and ten champagne flutes

  • EStimate $350 - $550
Lot Details
No Lot
LOT 40

No Lot

  • EStimate -
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No Lot
LOT 41

No Lot

  • EStimate -
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No Lot
LOT 42

No Lot

  • EStimate -
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No Lot
LOT 43

No Lot

  • EStimate -
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No Lot
LOT 44

No Lot

  • EStimate -
Lot Details
LOT 45

William K Reid

William IV sterling Silver Wine Jug or Ewer, London 1836

modelled with a finial in the form of a mountain ram standing four square on grape leaves, leading to a scrolled acanthus leaf handle, the inverted melon shaped body capped with fern leaves and other foliage, the lobed hexagonal spreading foot with raised scalloped motifs,

height 34cm, weight 1204 grammes
  • EStimate $3,000 - $4,000
  • sold $3,660 Incl BP
Lot Details
LOT 46

Pair of George III Sterling Silver Open Salts, London c.1830

each with gadrooned rims leading to short fluted bowls all on a spreading foot

each diameter 9cm weight 136grammes
  • EStimate $400 - $600
Lot Details
George V
LOT 47

George V

Sterling Silver Novelty Pin Cushion, Birmingham 1914

modelled in the form of an officers peaked cap, together with seven paste set gilt pins,

length 5cm
  • EStimate $250 - $300
Lot Details
George V
LOT 48

George V

Sterling Silver Scalloped Bowl, London 1930

on a circular spreading foot,

diameter 20cm
  • EStimate $250 - $300
Lot Details
LOT 49

Edward, Edward jr, John & William Barnard

Pair of early Victorian sterling silver cauldron salts, London 1838
feet, diameter 9cm weight 220 grammes
  • EStimate $1,500 - $2,000
Lot Details
LOT 50

William Ely II

George IV Sterling Silver Shaped Circular Tray, London 1825

centred by an armorial cresting, surrounded by chased foliate and flower head decoration and resting on acanthus capped scrolled feet,

diameter 53cm weight
  • EStimate $8,000 - $12,000
Lot Details
George Smith & Thomas Hayter
LOT 51

George Smith & Thomas Hayter

George III Sterling Silver Helmet Shaped Creamer, London 1794

having bright cut floral swags leading to a central initialled cartouche, and a square stepped foot,

height 16cm
  • EStimate $300 - $400
Lot Details
LOT 52

Victorian Sterling Silver Three Piece Melon Shaped Tea Set, London 1857

the pot with a melon shaped knop, the creamer and the sugar bowl with gilt interiors, each with delicate foliate chasing throughout, all raised on short scrolled feet, height of teapot

19cm, total weight 1326 grammes
  • EStimate $2,000 - $2,500
Lot Details
LOT 53

William Bedchambers

William IV Sterling Silver Fiddle Soup Ladle (2)
length 33.5cm weight 330 grammes
  • EStimate $600 - $800
Lot Details
LOT 54

Robb & Whittet

Early Victorian Sterling Silver Vase, Edinburgh 1844

the tapered bowl, internally gilded, decorated with panels of foliate and flower head chasing with a twin vacant cartouches, flanked by acanthus capped loop handles raised on a circular foot with "C" scrolls,

height 13 weight 460 grammes
  • EStimate $400 - $600
Lot Details
LOT 55

Boxed Pair of Geo III Ely Fearn Silver Gilt Berry Spoons

boxed Set of Silver Gilt Spoons modelled as the anointing for the Coronation of King George VI, and anotherspoons Boxed set of spoons

  • EStimate $600 - $1,000
Lot Details
LOT 56

19th Century Sterling Silver Lidded Jug, unmarked

in the 18th Century, manner, the cylindrical body, with flower heads, foliate, and "C" scroll decoration, a central cartouche, and a bacchanalian mask head spout, on a circular spreading foot,

height 24.5cm, weight 938 grammes
  • EStimate $2,000 - $2,500
Lot Details
LOT 57

Continental Sterling Silver Inverted Bombe Shaped Tea Caddy, London import marks for 1905

having a lion surmounted lidded top, leading to the body heavily chased with figures in landscapes,

height 14 cm weight 206 grammes
  • EStimate $400 - $600
Lot Details
George V
LOT 58

George V

Sterling Silver Salver, Sheffield 1926

having a pie crust surround, resting on scrolled ball feet,

diameter 21cm weight 208cm
  • EStimate $350 - $550
Lot Details
LOT 59

Pair of George III sterling silver trencher salts, Sheffield 1794

Together with a late Victorian sterling silver mustard spoon, Sheffield 1896

  • EStimate $450 - $650
Lot Details
LOT 60

Thomas & James Cresick

Pair of Victorian Sterling Silver Candlesticks, Sheffield 1853

each with detachable sconces, leading to a pillar decorated with foliage and flower heads, resting on a wax filled bases,

height 30cm, weight 2334 grammes
  • EStimate $4,000 - $6,000
Lot Details
LOT 61

George III Baluster Shaped Sterling Silver Coffee Pot, London 1805

having later profuse foliate chasing, acanthus capped scrolled handle and spout,all on a shaped circular spreading foot,

height 22cm weight 478 grammes
  • EStimate $2,000 - $3,000
Lot Details
LOT 62

Selection of British and American Sterling Silver, c.1910 (7)

comprising two pieces with guilloche enamel decoration, three vesta cases and two pin dishes

  • EStimate $400 - $600
Lot Details
LOT 63

Thomas Tearle

George II Sterling Silver Baluster Shaped Mug, London 1735

with a single scrolled handle, fitted to one side, with a gilt washed interior, the body decorated with flower heads and "C" scrolls all on a circular spreading foot

  • EStimate $1,200 - $1,500
Lot Details
LOT 64

Hyam Hyams

Victorian Sterling Silver Mug, London 1865

With a single foliate capped handle, fitted to one side, the panelled body, with gilt washed interior, having a single vacant cartouche and armorial cipher above, and a foliate capped circular spreading foot,

height 12cm weight 154 grammes
  • EStimate $600 - $900
Lot Details
LOT 65

George II Sterling Silver Mug, London 1729

with a single scrolled handle, fitted to one side, with traces of gilt, all resting on a circular spreading foot

  • EStimate $1,000 - $1,500
Lot Details
Johan Rohde
LOT 66

Johan Rohde

Georg Jensen Suite of "Acorn Pattern" Flatware

comprising six each dinner knives, fruit knives, table spoons, dessert spoons, table forks and dessert forks

  • EStimate $6,500 - $8,500
Lot Details
Hardy Brothers
LOT 67

Hardy Brothers

George V sterling Silver Pierced Fruit Bowl, London 1911

having a shaped top, leading to a foliate and geometrically pierced bowl, on scrolled feet,

21cm weight 346 grammes
  • EStimate $250 - $350
Lot Details
LOT 68

Roberts & Brigg

Victorian Presentation Sterling Silver Lidded Jug, London 1862

in the 18th Century, manner, the cylindrical body , with flower heads, foliate, and "C" scroll decoration, a central cartouche , bearing the inscription" The Hon RHD White 1895" surmounted by a baronial coronet, and a bacchanalian mask head spout, on a circular spreading foot,

height 24.0cm weight 922 grammes
  • EStimate $1,500 - $2,000
Lot Details
Francis Higgins
LOT 69

Francis Higgins

Victorian Boxed Silver Gilt Table Knife and Fork, London

each with cast handles, heavily chased with berry, leaf and vine motifs, all encased within its original silk lined presentation case

  • EStimate $800 - $1,200
Lot Details
LOT 70

Late Victorian Sterling Silver Hot Chocolate, London 1894

having foliate capped body, fitted to one side an angular ebonised handle and knop,

height 15cm
  • EStimate $400 - $600
Lot Details
LOT 71

Edwardian Sterling Silver Cigar Case, London 1902 (3)

together with a pair of Georgian bright cut sugar tongs (Peter and Anne Bateman) and a George V mustard pot

  • EStimate $250 - $350
Lot Details
LOT 72

George VI Sterling Silver Comport Sheffield, 1936

the shaped pierced bowl, on a slender pillar resting on a spreading foot,

length 19cm, weight 384 grammes
  • EStimate $200 - $300
Lot Details
William Mann
LOT 73

William Mann

Early Victorian Sterling Silver Coffee Pot, London 1844

with a melon shaped finial leading to a baluster shaped body, heavily decorated with flower heads and other foliage, fitted to one side with side with a shaped scrolled handle, with ivory inserts, the central cartouche inscribed with an armorial cresting, all resting on scrolled feet,

height 29cm, weight 960 grammes
  • EStimate $2,000 - $2,500
Lot Details
LOT 74

Edwardian Sterling Silver Pepperette, London 1902

together with a pair of 800 standard pierced butter dishes

  • EStimate $350 - $550
Lot Details
William Fountain
LOT 75

William Fountain

Set of Six George III Silver Gilt Figural Spoons, London 1811

each modelled in the form of oak leaves, with insects, together with two pierced gilt decanter labels, Yapp and Woodwood Birmingham 1860-62

  • EStimate $600 - $800
Lot Details
LOT 76

Edwardian Sterling Silver Guilloche Enamel Inkwell, Birmingham 1908

the circular top, with tonal geo-metric enamel insert, leading to a spreading foot,

height 5.5cm
  • EStimate $200 - $300
Lot Details
LOT 77

George III Pierced Fiddle Thread and Shell Sterling Silver Fish Slice, London 1826 (4)

together with a Victorian sterling silver soup ladle London 1872 ,a George IV sterling silver butter knife London 1824,

length slice 31.5cm, ladle 34cm butter knife 19cm
  • EStimate $350 - $550
Lot Details
LOT 78

Martin Hall & Co Sheffield

Victorian Sterling Silver or Butler’s Tray, London 1878, Retailed W Tucker Bristol

the octagonal body, with beaded rim, and sides pierced, with floral swags, fitted with twin foliate capped handles, resting on scrolled feet,

length 69cm, weight approximately 4960 grammes
  • EStimate $3,000 - $5,000
Lot Details
LOT 79

George III Sterling Silver Sauce Boat, London 1808

of plain form, with central armorial bearing of a rearing horse on furled rep , fitted with a single acanthus capped "C" scroll handle, all raised on foliate capped hoof feet,

length 17 weight 202 grammes
  • EStimate -
Lot Details
LOT 80

Victorian Sterling Silver Claret Jug, London 1873

fitted with an acorn finial, leading to a selection of bands of beading, and the body decorated with arabesque style chasing, terminating in a circular spreading foot,

height 32cm, weight 768 grammes
  • EStimate $1,400 - $1,800
Lot Details
LOT 81

John Kentember

George III Silver Gilt Lidded Tankard, London 1773

with a single scrolled handle, fitted to one side, the body with an overall basket weave decoration and centred by a single vacant cartouche, all resting on a circular stepped spreading foot. (one old repair)

  • EStimate $7,000 - $10,000
Lot Details
LOT 81a

Assaymaster Victor Savinkov, Work Master Initials "I. S."

19th Century Russian Silver Gilt Tobacco Case, dated 1887

the rectangular top, having three concealed hinged lids, each enclosing space for tobacco, vestas, pipe cleaner and striker,

  • EStimate $1,500 - $2,000
Lot Details
LOT 82

Victorian Sterling Silver Tea Pot, London 1885

with a squat bulbous body and a deep panel of gadrooned decoration, having a foliate capped ebonised handle fitted to one side,

  • EStimate $300 - $500
Lot Details
No Lot
LOT 83

No Lot

  • EStimate -
Lot Details
LOT 84

Rawlings & Sumner

Early Victorian Sterling Silver Four Piece Tea and Coffee Service, London 1845

Comprising tea pot, coffee pot, sugar bowl and creamer; the pots with stylised finials leading to a heavily decorated body with "C" scrolls and foliage, flanked by shaped handles and resting on short scrolled feet,

  • EStimate $6,000 - $9,000
Lot Details
LOT 85

Rawlings & Sumner

Early Victorian Sterling Silver Tea Urn or Samovar, London 1842

with an arabesque style finial leading to a heavily decorated body with "C" scrolls and foliage, flanked by shaped handles and resting on short scrolled feet,

height 51cm, weight 3950 grammes
  • EStimate $6,000 - $9,000
Lot Details
Edward and John Barnard
LOT 86

Edward and John Barnard

Victorian Sterling Silver Drum Shaped Mustard Pot, London 1865

with original ruby glass inset, together with a Victorian sterling pepperette, Birmingham 1897, set of six George III sterling silver spoons London 1807 (later box) and a boxed set of George V sterling silver coffee spoons

  • EStimate $550 - $750
Lot Details
LOT 87

Gianmaria Buccelati

Italian Baroque Style Sterling Silver Candelabrum

with a central thistle shaped sconce on a turned and waisted pillar, supporting six scrolled arms terminating in identical sconces and shaped drip trays, resting on a neo-classical foliate capped arcaded panelled octagonal stepped spreading foot

height 61cm, weight 8950 grammes
  • EStimate $20,000 - $30,000
Lot Details
LOT 88

Pair of George III Sterling Silver Open Salts, London 1811

each with foliate capped rims, bulbous bowls leading to pierced supports and paw feet

  • EStimate $300 - $400
Lot Details
LOT 89

George V sterling Silver Three Piece Tea Service, Chester 1923

comprising tea pot , creamer and sugar bowl, each modelled with gadrooned decoration weight wqw

  • EStimate $800 - $1,000
Lot Details
LOT 90

Charles Fox

Pair of George IV Sterling Silver Gravy Boats, London 1823

Each with gadrooned rims, leading to a scalloped bowl, having a scrolled handle fitted to one side, resting on shell capped pad feet,

length 24cm, weight 1172 grammes
  • EStimate $3,000 - $4,000
Lot Details
LOT 91

George III Sterling Silver Dredger, London 1805

the pierced top leading to a waisted body with rope twist banding all on a circular spreading foot,

height 12.5cm weight 70 grammes
  • EStimate $700 - $900
Lot Details
Escuela Massana de Barcelona (Massana School of Arts)
LOT 92

Escuela Massana de Barcelona (Massana School of Arts)

Cased Pair of Sterling Silver and Enamel Sorbet Cups, c.1970

each with harlequin enamel finish shallow cups leading to a hammered finish slender stems, fitted with a collar having four cabochon red stones, resting on a circular spreading foot. The case bearing the inscription "El Alcade de Barcelona Al Excom.Sr. D.Franz Jonas President de la Republica Federal de Austria"

  • EStimate $2,500 - $3,500
Lot Details
LOT 93

William Ely & William Fearn

George III Presentation Tray, London 1814

the rectangular tray with a gadrooned rim, leading to the central armorial bearing and inscription "TO SURGEON MAJOR WEMYSS FRAZER By the Merchants Society of Gibraltar. In testimony of their esteem for the zealous attention And Effectual Assistance afforded to the Public In the exercise of his profession during the Sickness of 1813 AND 1814" […]

  • EStimate $7,000 - $8,000
Lot Details
LOT 94

Pair of George III Sterling Silver Neo-Classical Shaped Sugar Vases, London 1787

each with acorn finials leading to tapered bodies, with ribbon ties and swags, flanked by twin ram mask head ring drop handles and a panel of acanthus leaves, all on fluted circular spreading feet,

  • EStimate $3,000 - $5,000
Lot Details
LOT 95

William Simmons

George III Sterling Silver Mustard Pot, London 1811 (2)

with a stepped hinged lid, surmounted by an acorn finial, enclosing a Bristol Blue glass liner, the waisted body having shell motifs, above a single band of basket weave, resting on a gadrooned rectangular foot, height 10cm weight 282 grammes, together with a initialled George III sterling silver mustard spoon, London 1801 WILLIAM ELY & […]

  • EStimate $3,000 - $4,000
Lot Details
No Lot
LOT 96

No Lot

  • EStimate -
Lot Details
LOT 97

Paul Crespin

George II Sterling Silver Sugar Dredger, London 1744

With its waisted finial leading to the pierced lid, decorated with stylised tendril vines, and a banded collar, a full armorial cresting below, resting on a circular spreading foot,

height 19cm weight 374 grammes
  • EStimate $12,000 - $15,000
Lot Details
LOT 98

Paul Crespin

George II Sterling Silver Baluster Shaped Ale Jug, London 1746

With banded collar, leading to an acanthus capped scrolled handle, and an inverted spout with naturalistically modelled terminals, the body centred by an armorial cresting, resting on a circular spreading foot,

height 23.5cm weight 1052 grammes
  • EStimate $25,000 - $30,000
Lot Details
No Lot
LOT 99

No Lot

  • EStimate -
Lot Details
LOT 100

Antique Halberd Probably 17th Century German

with a tapered facetted blade, leading to a hooked fluke and crescent shaped axe blade, applied to the square turned shaft,

height 210cm
  • EStimate $1,200 - $1,500
Lot Details
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